Small scale aquaculture for fish farming has become a leading profitable business option all over the world. Aquaculture is the cultivation of aquatic organisms in man-made environments for human consumptions. Sea foods distributed along the shops and restaurants are mostly these farm fresh fishes. This small scale culturing can be initiated within a large tank, artificial ponds or any other fresh water ponds.
Due to the increasing demand of fishes on a rising scale, aquaculture took place to meet the large necessary requirements for man. Aqua culturing have to be processed under various steps depending upon the aquatic organism chose for cultivation. Beginning from their production chain in hatching, breeding to harvesting, should be carefully processed to ensure their quality and production.
Freshwater Fish Farming

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This aspect of fish farming can be done in tanks, ponds or lake to ensure good commercial production of the required fresh fishes. Here a sustainable pond must be used to rear the fish breed available from the types of pond for fish farming to cultivate them in a proper way. The pond preparing for the fish cultivation must be free from the aquatic plants and animals which are considered harmful for the breeding group of fishes. The feeding facilities and availabilities should be ensured along with maintaining an optimum pH for the fish to survive and breed.
During the preparation of the ponds, soil sampling should be done to evaluate the pH conditions favorable for the fishes. Demudding is later done to remove the mud from the pond followed by the pond drying. Drying is necessarily done for the oxidation and mineralization happening inside the soil. If the pond is situated next to a stream or river, place a dike over pond to prevent the fish cultivation from disasters like flood. Proper inlet and outlet services must be ensured in the pond for their proper breeding.
Always consider the proper precautions necessary for small scale aquaculture for fish farming. Improper pond preparation can result in huge loss of the cultivating breed; therefore consider best practices for better fish yields.
Seaweed Production

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Seaweeds are the different varieties of algae which include dulse, ribbon kelp, bull kelp and sugar kelp which are the edible sources used in salads, sushi and different other food products. Their wide area of usage in different fields makes them a highly demanding product. Seaweeds grow utilizing the nutrients and carbon dioxide in the ocean. Small scale agriculture for fish farming can be done with the production of sea weeds in them. The large and fast growing kelps can provide a healthy atmosphere for the breeding of commercial important fishes.
Edible seaweed production can be done at home using an aquarium with aquarium heater and saltwater. Place a large rock at the bottom of the aquarium for the seaweed to get attached. Use necessary liquid fertilizers in a proportionate amount, required as nutrient supplementation for the seaweeds.
Backyard Aquaculture Ideas

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For backyard fish cultivation, choose the fish breeds that can best suit your regions and conditions. A concrete fish tank or a backyard fish pond can be considering the space at your backyards. Decide the variety of fishes you require and suit your locations. You can also begin with fingerlings or tilapia to receive a hang about their cultivation, feeding and breeding rates. Adding some teaspoons of salt to the water in the tank, can help in eliminating the parasites the fish might be carrying.
Blue Nile Tilapia are the one mostly used in small scale aquaculture for fish farming systems. They are well known for their fast growing, tolerant to bad water conditions and disease resistant features. They are commercially highly demanded for their taste and beauty. Cat fish, trout, salmon, carp and hybrid striped bass are some other varieties of fish for the backyard aquaculture necessary for a small scale business.
Pearl Farming

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Pearl farming is considered as one of the most trending and profitable venture under aquaculture businesses. Pearls making an high demand in commercial market, it can be done along any other types of fish farming. Although the cost of their venture might seem quite high, their profitability ratios are always under high values.
Pearl farming will be a long term project which requires enough dedication and hard work to get their complete profitability. The location selected for this project must be free from parasites, floods and any other threats. High quality mussel species and oysters should be contained enough within the ponds to ensure their good productivity. This freshwater farming can be done in ponds which mush be frequently fertilized and limed to create favorable conditions for pearl farming.
Ornamental Fish Farming

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People are always in a desire to design their homes with the best available ornamental fishes. If you posses or have a hobby on breeding and rearing different fish varieties, this can make a good option for small scale aquaculture business. The growing demands for ornamental fishes have made an increase in aquarium fish trade globally. They solely require only a small fish farm at home for their necessary cultivation.
Tanks with proper inlets and outlets or glass tanks of any sizes can be used for their breeding facilities. Mechanisms of recycling the water through bio-filters or any other available filtering objectives must be used. Proper sunlight must be made available to the tanks and must be prevented from any kind of debris falling into it. Ornamental fish farming should always be contained with sufficient care and nurture to prevent any kind of disease attack to the breeds.
Cat Fish Farming

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These farming breeds are a rapid growing variety, disease-resistant and tolerable to any bad water conditions. These varieties can be breed in ordinary tanks and ponds consisting of enough nutrition supplements. Catfish business is considered as one of the commercially profited farming due to their strong flavor and health benefits. The most prominent catfish varieties include blue catfish, channel catfish and flathead catfish.
Catfish is a good source of omega-3 & 6 fatty acids and are an excellent source of protein. Their low cost set up facilities makes them easy to farm and breed. While setting up a pond or tank for their rearing, ensure it to be free from holes and licks to prevent these strong breeds escaping from these holes. These breeds can also be incorporated into mixed fish farming, as they reduces the quantity of ammonia gas inside the pond, giving a healthy atmosphere for rest of the species in it.